Principal Attorney
Leia Lee
Illinois - Estate Planning
New York - Probate Administration
California (inactive) - Taxation
L.L.M. (Masters) in Tax Law, NYU School of Law (New York, NY)
J.D., Cornell University Law School (Ithaca, NY)
B.A. in Literature, Duke University (Durham, NC)
Mandarin Chinese - Speaking, reading, writing
Attorney Leia Lee is the founder of Logic Law. After training in the number 1 ranked tax law program in the U.S., Leia worked in international tax in public accounting and law firms. Her work focused on tax planning ranging from multinational corporations to high net worth individuals. Leia also ran a legal clinic program for a Chicago non-profit organization and helped socio-economically disadvantaged population access the legal system. Her estate and benefit planning helped many families develop asset protection and distribution strategies for their loved ones and organizations they care about.
The logo of Logic Law is inspired by the Latin phrase “quoqunque jeceris stabit.” It means “whichever way you throw it, it will stand.” We aim to provide solid and individually tailored plans that help you and your loved ones thrive in various stages of your life and after you are gone. We give you a legal tool to ensure that regardless of the changes in circumstances, you and those you care about could stand strong on your feet.
The logo also signifies our principle of collaboration. It is a table at which we invite you and your advisers to work together and reach a comprehensive understanding of your unique situation. We will design estate planning solutions that make sense for your particular situation and needs. We will be here every step of the way to ensure you and your family have a plan updated and adapted to the changing laws.