Estate Planning

In the U.S., the current respective median net worth for households of various age brackets are: $11,100 (under 35); $59,800 (35-44); $124,200 (45-54); $187,300 ( 55-64); $224,100 ( 65-74); and $264,800 (75+). Without a will or a Revocable Living Trust, your beneficiaries would need to go through a lengthy probate process of potentially a couple of years or more and pay anywhere from 3%-8% of the assets in fees to properly distribute your assets. Estate planning is an act of kindness and love for the ones you want to take care of when you’re no longer around. Let us help you set up a plan that takes care of everyone you love to save them confusion, delay, and painful work, Let’s protect your children, spouse, parents, siblings, extended relatives and friends whom you adore, or simply organizations that you want to support. Let’s also protect the fruits of your life’s work themselves so that your assets, large or small, are not squandered in court fees and red tape.
It’s a common misconception that estate planning is only for the wealthy. In fact, the more modest your means, the less your loved ones can afford to spend hefty fees in intestacy. Let us help you set up an efficient and specifically tailored plan so that people you care about can, with ease, get the share of your estate that you want them to have.
More importantly, when you have minors or loved ones with special needs, you really want to put trusted guardians and strategies in place to ensure proper care for them.
Last but not least, as the public health crisis spreads across the globe, many people realize how important it is to have proper powers of attorney and advanced directives in place when they are incapacitated.
guardian appointments and power of attorneys are necessary legal tools for all families regardless of the size of your assets.